Sunset Corrugated

Small Sunset Corrugated bowl. Click the image to open the Sunset Corrugated gallery.

Sunset Corrugated is an Alameda Brown Ware type found in the portion of the San Francisco Mountain region covered with black volcanic ash from Sunset Crater Volcano and in the Walnut Creek drainage in northern Arizona.

Archaeological Culture: Sinagua

Date Range: A.D. 1065-1200.

Construction: By paddle and anvil.

Firing: In an oxidizing atmosphere.

Core Color: Black to light gray (rare).

Temper: Mostly black volcanic sand; occasional grain quartz sand; some angular fragments, usually reddish or tan; sometimes angular fragments almost as abundant as volcanic sand; temper particles often visible on surfaces.

Surface Finish: The surface of Sunset Corrugated displays small pinch marks made with the fingernail all around the vessel.

Surface Color: Exteriors brown or red.

Forms: Bowls, jars.

Decoration: No painted decoration.

Comparisons: Similar to other types of corrugated pottery such as Tusayan Corrugated and Elden Corrugated in superficial appearance, temper being the distinguishing characteristic.

Compiled from the following sources:
Colton, Harold. (1958) Pottery Types of the Southwest. Museum of Northern Arizona Ceramic Series No. 3D. Flagstaff, Arizona.

Compiled by:
April Peters, Northern Arizona University Anthropology Laboratories.