The American Southwest Virtual Museum hosts a growing assemblage of projectile point images from National Park and museum collections across the Southwest.
To go directly to the full Projectile Point image gallery, click the image directly above. To browse the identification gallery, use the menu links or select from the list below.
- Clovis
- Plainview Complex: Plainview, Goshen, Belen
- Folsom Complex: Folsom, Midland
- Agate Basin Complex: Agate Basin, Angostura, Hell Gap
- Cody Complex: Eden, Scottsbluff, Firstview
Paleoindian-Archaic Transition
- Western Stemmed Complex: Lake Mohave, Silver Lake, Jay
Archaic and Early Agricultural Periods
- San Dieguito-Pinto Tradition (western Southwest): Lake Mohave, Silver Lake, Gypsum, Pinto
- Oshara Tradition (northern Southwest): Jay, Bajada, San Jose, Armijo
- Cochise Tradition (southern Southwest): Chiricahua, Cortaro, Empire, Tallarín, San Pedro, Cienega
- Mogollon Tradition: Tularosa Corner-notched (image gallery only)
- McKean Complex: Mallory Side-notched (image gallery only)
- Great Basin Notched: Northern Side-notched, Sudden Side-notched, San Rafael Side-notched, Elko Series
- Basketmaker II
Early Ceramic Period
- Rosegate (image gallery only)
Ceramic Period
- Cohonina: Cohonina
- Ancestral Pueblo/Sinagua: Pueblo Side Notched (Concave Base), Pueblo Side Notched (Straight Base), Pueblo Stemmed (image gallery only)
- Hohokam: Classic Flared (image gallery only), Snaketown Side-notched, Snaketown Triangular
Late Prehistoric and Historic
- Cottonwood, Buck Taylor, Desert Side Notched