Youngs Brown

Youngs Brown sherds. Click the image to open the Youngs Brown gallery.

Youngs Brown is a type of Alameda Brown Ware found in the lower Walnut Creek drainage in the San Francisco Mountain region of northern Arizona.

Archaeological Culture: Sinagua

Date Range: A.D. 1000-1150.

Construction: By paddle and anvil.

Firing: In an oxidizing atmosphere.

Core Color: Gray to dark brown; usually well-fired.

Carbon Streak: Usually absent.

Temper: Crushed volcanic tuff and basaltic ash in about equal amounts.

Surface Finish: Outside bowls and jars smoothed, compacted, never slipped, and wiping marks prominent, anvil marks inconspicuous.

Surface Color: Buff orange to dark brown, sometimes gray to black. Interiors of bowls smudged.

Forms: Jars, bowls, very rare pitcher, Gila shoulder occurs.

Vessel Thickness: 4.5 to 5.5 mm, average 5.0 mm (bowls); 4 to 6 mm; average 5 mm (jars).

Decoration: None.

Comparisons: Similar in every way to Winona Brown, but contains a variable amount (about 50%) of Sunset volcanic ash. Youngs Brown therefore is an intergrade and not very important as an indicator of time.

Compiled from the following sources:
Colton, Harold. (1958) Pottery Types of the Southwest. Museum of Northern Arizona Ceramic Series No. 3D. Flagstaff, Arizona.

Compiled by:
April Peters, Northern Arizona University Anthropology Laboratories.