Leupp Black-on-white

Leupp Black-on-white mug from the Museum of Northern Arizona collections. Click the image to open the Leupp Black-on-white gallery.

Leupp Black-on-white is a Little Colorado White Ware type found along the Little Colorado River valley and tributaries between Holbrook and Leupp, Arizona.

Archaeological Culture: Ancestral Puebloan

Date Range: A.D. 1225-1290 (per Christian Downum, Northern Arizona University).

Construction: By coiling and scraping.

Firing: In a reducing atmosphere.

Core Color: Gray to dark gray.

Carbon Streak: None.

Temper: White angular fragments, sherd, with some quartz sand grains.

Surface Finish: Exteriors of bowls and jars carefully smoothed and covered with a conspicuous white slip.

Surface Color: Light gray or white.

Forms: Bowls, jars, dippers, and pitchers.

Vessel Thickness: 5 to 6.4 mm (bowls).


  • Paint: Black paint usually on bowl interiors and jar exteriors.
  • Pigments: Black organic paint.
  • Design: Style similar to Kayenta and Wupatki Black-on-white, with more black than white exposed, giving a negative pattern.

Comparisons: Similar in design to Wupatki and Kayenta Black-on-white but differs in having a gray paste containing crushed sherds and a conspicuous white slip.

Compiled from the following sources:
Colton, Harold S. (1955) Pottery Types of the Arizona Strip and Adjacent Areas in Utah and Nevada. Museum of Northern Arizona Ceramic Series No. 1. Flagstaff, Arizona

Compiled by:
April Peters, Northern Arizona University Anthropology Laboratories.