Nature Notes

Grand Canyon began issuing the bulletin Nature Notes in 1926, the purpose of which was “giving information to those interested in the natural history and scientific features of the Grand Canyon National Park.”

Ranger Naturalist Glen E. Sturdevant served as editor and primary contributor to Nature Notes until his death in February, 1929 (see Volume 3, No. 8), after which Edwin D. McKee took over, serving both as editor and new Park Naturalist.  The bulletin was issued monthly by the park until 1931, when the Grand Canyon Natural History Association took over the publications, which continued until 1935.  Below are PDF versions of Volume 1, No. 1 through Volume 6, No. 5.  Later editions can be found on the Grand Canyon National Park Website  here (page opens in new window).

Volume 1, No. 1 – March, 1926


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Kaibab Squirrel (Sciurus kaibabensis), Abert Squirrel (Sciurus aberti), by Glen E. Sturdevant

Utah Juniper (Juniperus utahensis), by Glen E. Sturdevant

Suicide Robin Returns


Volume 1, No. 2 – April, 1926


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Educational Plans, by E.T. Scoyen

Western Yellow Pine (Pinus ponderosa), by G.E. Sturdevant

Water Ouzel (Cinclus mexicanis), by G.E. Sturdevant


Volume 1, No. 3 – May, 1926


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Pinon Pine (Pinus edulis), by Glen E. Sturdevant

Ancient Ferns, by Glen E. Sturdevant

Long-crested Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri diademata), by Glen E. Sturdevant

Any Port in a Storm

Volume 1, No. 4 – June, 1926


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Fossil Footprints, by Dr. C.W. Gilmore, Curator of Vert. Paleontology, U.S. National Museum

Dragon Fly, by G.E. Sturdevant

Mescal (Agave utahensis), by G.E. Sturdevant

Daily Battles, by G.E. Sturdevant

Volume 1, No. 5 – August, 1926


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American Beaver (Castor canadensis mexicanus), by G.E. Sturdevant

Intelligent Robin

Courtin’ Time, by G.E. Sturdevant

A Few Pets, by E.T. Scoyen

Volume 1, No. 6 – September, 1926


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Cliff Rose (Cowania stansburiana), by G.E. Sturdevant

Button, Button, Who has the Button?

Salt in the Tapeats Sandstone, by G.E. Sturdevant

Kaibab Deer Arrives on South Rim, by E.T. Scoyen

Volume 1, No. 7 – November, 1926


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The Common Skunk (Mephitis mephitis), by Glen E. Sturdevant

Fossil Fish


Publications Received for Reference Library

Volume 1, No. 8 – December, 1926


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The Turkey Buzzard (Cathartes aura), by G.E. Sturdevant

Cats Claw (Acacia greggii), by G.E. Sturdevant

Calcite, by G.E. Sturdevant

Bear?, by G.E. Sturdevant

Volume 1, No. 9 – January, 1927


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Fossils, by G.E. Sturdevant

Conservation, by G.E. Sturdevant



Volume 1, No. 10 – February, 1927


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An Experimental Repair Job, by E.T. Scoyen

You’re Next: Mr. Duck, by E.T. Scoyen



Volume 1, No. 11 – March, 1927


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A Winter Resident, by G.E. Sturdevant

Wild Goose, by G.E. Sturdevant

Theories Relating to Origin of the Canyon, by G.E. Sturdevant

Ranger Smith Entertains

Volume 1, No. 12 – May, 1927


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Flora of the Tonto Platform

Antelope Happenings

Mountain Sheep Visits Studio

Arizona Red-bud

Volume 2, No. 1 – June, 1927


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Navajo Makes Rain

Fox Holds Up Party

When Insects Were the Size of Birds

Grand Canyon Visited by Leading Geologists

Trailside Notes, by Edwin McKee

*Note – Text is difficult to read due to the condition of the original copy.

Volume 2, No. 2 – July, 1927


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The Papilio Tribe of Butterflies, by Edwin D. McKee

Formations Exposed at the Grand Canyon, by G.E. Sturdevant



*Note – Text is difficult to read due to the condition of the original copy.

Volume 2, No. 3 – August, 1927


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Cats and Polecats

Birds of the Havasupai Canyon, by Edwin D. McKee

Canyon Rim Roses, by G.E. Sturdevant


Volume 2, No. 4 – September, 1927


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Crossbill, by Mrs. G.E. Sturdevant

Pinon Nuts, by G.E. Sturdevant

Mother Grouse Poses for Movie Camera

Pegmatite Dikes

Grand Canyon Animal Tracks

Volume 2, No. 5 – October, 1927


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Tame Deer Herd Started at Grand Canyon

Canyon Hiking

Pet Fawn Introduced to Snow and Rain

A Canyon Culprit

Volume 2, No. 6 – November, 1927


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Breaking a Trail Through Bright Angel Canyon, by F.E. Matthes, U.S. Geological Survey




Volume 2, No. 7 – December, 1927


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Pal Killed by Mountain Lion

Canyon Walls are Barrier to Migration

Antelope Reveal Goat Traits

“Smoky” is an Apt Pupil

Mountain Sheep Observed on Canyon Rim

Crossbill Winters at Grand Canyon, by Mrs. G.E. Sturdevant

Volume 2, No. 8 – January, 1928


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Nesting and Food Habits of the Abert Squirrel at Grand Canyon

Species of Productus of the Kaibab Limestone at Grand Canyon



Volume 2, No. 9 – February, 1928


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A Visit to an Un-frequented Part of the Grand Canyon

A Near Tragedy



*Note – Text is difficult to read due to the condition of the original copy.

Volume 2, No. 10 – March, 1928


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Springtime at the Grand Canyon

Champion barker?


Mountain Sheep Leads Way Up the Trail

Third Publication on Grand Canyon Animal Tracks

Deer Leaps 1700 Feet to Death

*Note – Text is difficult to read due to the condition of the original copy.

Volume 2, No. 11 – April, 1928


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Inspecting a Possible Trout Stream of Grand Canyon




Volume 2, No. 12 – May, 1928


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Red-shafted Flicker Nests on Canyon Rim

Hermit Steer of the Canyon

Deer Arrive at Bright Angel Point

Sea Gull Visits the Park

Kaibab Squirrel Plentiful

Results if a Large Crop of Pinon Nuts

Lading of Colorado River

Volume 3, No. 1 – June, 1928


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Antelope for Burros

Cassin Vireo Observed

Kaibab Fawn Captured

Bird Life on the Tonto Platform, by Edwin D. McKee

Cougars Not Extinct on Kaibab, by Chas. W. Merriam

Fossils Collected

Mountain Sheep Comes up Bright Angel Trail

Volume 3, No. 2 – July, 1928


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Saturn as a Brilliant Object in the Southern Sky, by M.R. Tillotson

Grand Canyon Illuminated by Aurora Borealis, by M.R. Tillotson

Ironwood (Knowlton’s Hornbeam), by G.E. Sturdevant

Analogy of Past and Present Life, by Chas. W. Merriam

The Polyphemus Moth, by Edwin D. McKee

Dusky Grouse on South Rim

Volume 3, No. 3 – August, 1928


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New Bird Records for Park, by Edwin D. McKee

The Geaster or Earth Star, by H.V. Hibbard

The Blue-Bellied Lizard, by Edwin D. McKee

Oswald, by Mrs. G.E. Sturdevant

Volume 3, No. 4 – September, 1928


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What Causes the Canyon Walls to Recede?, by G.E. Sturdevant

Five Planets in the Autumn Skies, by M.R. Tillotson

Bird Baths, by Mrs. G.E. Sturdevant


Volume 3, No. 5 – October, 1928


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Lessons from a Graveyard

Kingfisher at Grand Canyon

Two Trail Parties in One Picture

Robin Breaks Ice to Take Bath

Antlers as an Age Indicator of Deer

Ring-tailed Cats, by Mrs. G.E. Sturdevant

Volume 3, No. 6 – December, 1928


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A Reconnaissance of the Northeastern Part of Grand Canyon National Park




Volume 3, No. 7 – January, 1929


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Additional Indian Ruins of Clear Creek Region, by A.L. Brown

Lessons from the Grand Canyon, by G.E. Sturdevant

Clear Creek is Stocked with Trout

In Time for Refreshments

Obituary: Prof. H.V. Hibbard

Volume 3, No. 8 – February, 1929


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Our Sorrow, by M.R. Tillotson

Obituary: Glen Ernest Sturdevant

Obituary: Fred Johnson

Fawns Arrive from Kaibab, by G.E. Sturdevant

Beaver at Phantom Ranch, by G.E. Sturdevant

Favorable Snow Conditions

Volume 3, No. 9 – May, 1929


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Scientific Work Conducted at Grand Canyon

The Chuckwalla, by Miss Barbara Hastings

Life Zones of the Grand Canyon, by Vernon Baily, Bureau of Biological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Wind Erosion in the Grand Canyon

Odds and Ends

Volume 3, No. 10 – June, 1929


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Scientific Work

Manzanita on the South Rim, by Earl W. Count

Lady Hecate, by Barbara Hastings

Nesting Notes (extracts from the records of Mrs. F.M. Bailey and the park Naturalist)

The Coronado Expedition, by Stephen B. Jones

Soil of the South Rim – A Query, by Earl W. Count

Heralds of Summer

Volume 3, No. 11 – July, 1929


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A Food Plant of the Indians, by Miss Barbara Hastings

The Path of a Thunderstorm, by Stephen B. Jones

Lunch à la Abert, by Ranger Naturalist Count

The Horned Owl, by the Park Naturalist

Yavapai Catches a Bolt, by Earl W. Count

Summer Snowstorms, by S.B. Jones

Facts – Not Fancies

Volume 3, No. 12 – August, 1929


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The Mariposa Lily, by Miss Laura Mills

Deer Conditions on the Kaibab up to August 5, 1929, by Vernon Bailey, US Biological Survey

Laoporus Goes Walking, by the Park Naturalist

Cricket Notes, by E.W. Count

Lightning-scarred Trees, by S.B. Jones

The Next Generation, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 1 – September, 1929


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Horned Toads, by S.B. Jones

The Gathering of the Jay Clan (Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus), by E.W. Count

Mushrooms on the Kaibab, by Miss Laura E. Mills

Snakes as Mediators, by the Park Naturalist

A Mutating Penstemon, by E.W. Count

Along the Trails, by the Park Naturalist

The Yavapai Station

Volume 4, No. 2 – October, 1929


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The Cover (Hopi Symbols), by E.W. Count

Flying Deer, by P.P. Patraw

Surface Topography of the Kaibab, by the Park Naturalist

The Elusive Sceloporus, by S.B. Jones

Hither and Yon, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 3 – November, 1929


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Feathered Friends, by the Park Naturalist

Middle Canyon Sculpturing, by Dr. W.M. Davis, formerly of Harvard University

Avian Cliff Dwellers, by E.W. Count

“Porky,” by S.B. Jones

The Bright Angel Fault, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 4 – December, 1929


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The Cougar of the South Rim, by H.R. Lauzon

The Flora of the Hermit Shale in Grand Canyon, by Dr. David White, US Geological Survey

Unconventional Pines, by S.B. Jones

Rug-weaving, Navajo Style, by E.W. Count

Grand Canyon Lichens, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 5 – March, 1930


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Yavapai Observation Station, by P.P. Patraw

A Grand Canyon Cliff Ruin, by E.W. Count

A Unique Combination, by J.P. Brooks

Climbing Deer, by S.B. Jones

Pinyon Puzzle, by E.W. Count

Winter Robins

The Youthful Grand Canyon, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 6 – April, 1930


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Lizards as Known to the Indians, by E.W. Count

Briefs, by the Park Naturalist

Our Cactuses, by Miss Pauline Mead, Univ. of Chicago

The Grand Canyon Rattlesnake, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 7 – May, 1930


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Scientific Expedition to the Nankoweap, by the Superintendent’s Office

The Reference Library, by the Park Naturalist

Oh Cedar!, by S.B. Jones

Wild Burros of the Grand Canyon, by P.P. Patraw

The Navajo Silversmith, by E.W. Count

Pages in Cambrian History, by the Park Naturalist

Left Overs

Volume 4, No. 8 – June, 1930


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Report of Nankoweap Trip, by C.E. Resser, Curator US Natl. Museum

Wayside Museum of Archaeology Expedition, by Harold S. Gladwin, Director of Gila Pueblo, Arizona

Vanadinite in the Grand Canyon, by the Park Naturalist

The Kaibab Trail, by E.W. Count

Odds and Ends

Volume 4, No. 9 – July, 1930


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A Living Conquest, by E.W. Count

Fossils & What they Tell, by R.L. Nichols

Copper Deposits of Grand Canyon, by the Park Naturalist

July Bird Notes

Volume 4, No. 10 – August, 1930


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Hopi Snake Dance, by Barbara H. McKee

Clear Creek Expedition, by Russell Hastings

Chizel-teeth Chatter, by E.W. Count

An Archaeological Find, by Arthur Soper

irregularities in Climatic Belts, by Clyde Searl

Odds and Ends, by the Naturalist Staff

Volume 4, No. 11 – September, 1930


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Some Grand Canyon Plants and Their Uses, by Pauline Mead

The Carrying Power of the Colorado River, by R.L. Nichols

Dining Solitaire, by E.W. Count

The Esplanade, by E.D. McKee

A New Bird Record, by Clyde Searl

The Canyon Towhee, by the Park Naturalist

Volume 4, No. 12 – October, 1930


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Deer Antlers, by Clyde Searl

Butterflies of the Grand Canyon, by Robert G. Wind, Berkeley, Cal.

Seeds of Some Grand Canyon Flowers, by Pauline Mead

Briefs, by E.W. Count

Ripples in the Sands of Time, by E.D. McKee

Volume 5, No. 1 – November, 1930


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The Story of a Pebble, by Clyde Searl

Butterflies near the Colorado River in November, by Pauline Mead

Geological and Wild Life Observations between Bass Canyon and Hermit Canyon, by E.D. McKee

A Winter Blooming Goosefoot, by Pauline Mead


Volume 5, No. 2 – December, 1930


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Small but Mighty, by E.D. McKee

A Brief Ecological Comparison of Life Zones on the Kaibab Plateay, by Pauline Mead

Fossil Mountain, by E.D. McKee

Preliminary Report on the Germination of Native Wild Flower Seeds, by Pauline Mead

Volume 5, No. 3 – January, 1931


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The Explorer, by M.R. Tillotson

Beetles, by Clyde C. Searl

The Origin of Hermit Basin, by Edwin D. McKee

Second Report of the Germination of Native Wild Flower Seeds, by Pauline Mead

The Badger and Its Environment, by Chester Markeley

The Goal of Yavapai, by Clyde C. Searl

Volume 5, No. 4 – February, 1931


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Planting Fish Eggs in Clear Creek, by P.P. Patraw

The First Spring Flower, by Pauline Mead

Some Interesting Bird Records, by Clyde C. Searl

A Strange Combination, by Burt Luzen

A Remnant of the Age of Fishes, by Edwin McKee

Building Rocks, by Clyde C. Searl

Third Report on the Germination of Native Wild Flower Seeds, by Pauline Mead

Volume 5, No. 5 – March, 1931


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Fossil Footprints of the Coconino, by Edwin D. McKee

Sedimentary Rocks, by Clyde C. Searl

The Rock Loving Alum Root, by Pauline Mead

Official Report on Stocking Canyon Streams with Fish, by J.P. Brooks

The Raccoon of Havasupai, by Chester R. Markley

Fourth Report on the Germination of Native Wild Flower Seeds, by Pauline Mead

Volume 5, No. 6 – April, 1931


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Some Beetles of Grand Canyon, by Clyde C. Searl

A Lively Little Beggar, by Barbara H. McKee

Pocket Mice!, by Edwin D. McKee

Early Stages in the Development of Rainbow Trout, by Chester R. Markley


Volume 5, No. 7 – May, 1931


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Geography of the Middle Cambrian Period, by Edwin D. McKee

An Interesting Bug, by Clyde C. Searl

Broom-rape, A Root Parasite, by Pauline Mead Patraw

Winter Feeding of White-tailed Squirrels, by George Collins

Field Observations, by the Naturalist Staff

Volume 5, No. 8 – June, 1931


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Where Our Cacti Grow, by Pauline Mead Patraw

Bare Facts about Bear Tracks, by George Collins

Birding in Grand Canyon, by Randolph Jenks, Curator of Ornithology, Museum of Northern Arizona

Sonora Beaver, by Chester Markley

A Mother Squirrel Transports its Young, by R.A. Redburn

Field Observations, by the Naturalist Staff

Volume 5, No. 9 – July, 1931


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Bats, by Carol F. Tyler

Relics of the Past, by Antone Albert, Gardner, El Tovar Hotel

How the Supai Indians Prepare Mescal As Told Me by Supai Lilly Burro, by Barbara H. McKee

A Gopher Snake Lunches, by Earl W. Count

Giant Moths, by Edwin D. McKee

Volume 5, No. 10 – August, 1931


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Blue Ribbon Minerals, by H.H. Waesche

The Blue Haze of Grand Canyon, by Ralph A. Redburn, with suggestions and additions by Prof. Henry Norris Russell, Princeton University

Some Birds and Their Nests on the Kaibab, by Randolph Jenks, Curator of Ornithology, Museum of Northern Arizona

Trees Gripping the Hillside, by E.W. Count

Grand Canyon – A Barrier to Reptiles?, by Edwin D. McKee

Volume 5, No. 11 – September, 1931


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The Colorado River, by R.A. Redburn

Two Reptiles New to the Grand Canyon, by Charles M. Bogart, Los Angeles Society of Natural History

A Quarrel among Bird Families, by Edwin D. McKee

Forest Fire (A Poem), by Ciwa Lynch of Tempe, Arizona

Volume 5, No. 12 – October, 1931


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A Trip Down Tanner Trail, by Vernon Bailey, U.S. Biological Survey

Additional Notes on the Tanner Trail Trip, by Edwin D. McKee

An Historical Record, by Godfrey Sykes, Desert Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona

Pinyon Pine Nuts, by Ralph A. Redburn

Crinoidal Limestone, by Edwin D. McKee

Volume 6, No. 1 – November, 1931


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An Archaeological Exhibit, by Edwin D. McKee

Early November Bird Reports, by Clyde Searl

Plant Succession in Kaibab Limestone, by Pauline Mead Patraw

An Experiment in Grand Canyon with the American Pronghorn, by Ralph A. Redburn


Volume 6, No. 2 – December, 1931


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Dragon-flies at Grand Canyon, by Clyde C. Searl

Russian Thistle, by Earl W. Count

The Origin of Bright Angel Canyon, by Edwin D. McKee


Volume 6, No. 3 – January, 1932


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The Yucca ~ Swordlike Yet Friendly, by Barbara H. McKee

Navi’-Pe, by Earl W. Count

A Deeper Canyon, by Clyde C. Searl

When Winter Comes, by Edwin D. McKee

Special Notes

Chipmunk (A Poem), by Ciwa Lynch of Tempe, Arizona

Volume 6, No. 4 – February, 1932


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Greenland Lake, by Edwin D. McKee

The Herbarium of Grand Canyon National Park, by Clyde C. Searl

Field Observations, by the Staff

Comparative Porosity of Rock Formations in Grand Canyon, by Hugh H. Waesche

Personnel Notes

Volume 6, No. 5 – March, 1932


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Spring is Near, by Donald Edward McHenry

Vandals of the Sand, by Clyde C. Searl

The Ancient Mazatzal Land, by Edwin D. McKee

Identification of the Common Pink Mineral found near Phantom Ranch, by B.F. Moomaw, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Field Observations